
Friday, February 15, 2019

Anorexia and Bulimia :: Causes of Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia

A variation of Anorexia, Bulimia ranges fromexcessive victuals intake, to an out of controlcompulsive cycle of satiate eating where droll amounts of any available food,usually of spicy carbohydrate content, may beconsumed. Once having gorged, the victims areover crap a go at it with the urge to rd themselves of whatthey hate eaten by purge themselves, usually byvomiting, and sometimes by massive doses oflaxatives. Between these obsessional bouts, mostare able to accept some nutrition. Whereas theanorexic sick person fears fatness from anticipatedloss of eating control, and unlike the anorexic martyr the typical bulimic individual is notemaciated, but usually maintains a normal bodyweight and appears to be fit and healthy.However, the obsessive binge purge cycle causesthem deep distress, shame, guilt, self-loathing and kind isolation, and many will go to any lengths tohide their shameful secret from the family andfriends. Typical Sufferers The anorexic or bulimicmay be either s ex, but the smaller section is inmales. However the male percent period is on theincrease. well-nigh sufferers come from middle andupper income families, and are usually highlyintelligent. Anorexic and bulimic people are oftenperfectionists, with unrealistically highexpectations. They frequently neediness self-esteem,with their feelings of ineffectiveness and a strongneed for other peoples approval. Causes There isat present no generally accepted view of thecauses of anorexia or bulimia. Most authoritiesbelieve the problem to be psychologically based,possibly stemming from family and socialpressures, or other forms of stress in our modernenvironment. Where a high value is placed onslim-ness, women are most likely to be judged ontheir appearance, against a heavy background ofhigh carbohydrate dispose food promotion. Often, theillness is triggered by a major change in thepersons life. Age and Extent Anorexia tends tostart in wee the early teens, whereas bulimiausually occurs in th e late teens and older agegroups. Sometimes bulimia develops out ofanorexia, but can occur without a previous historyof anorexia. It often persists over many years. It isknown girls as young as 8 years of age haddisplayed an unhealthy pre-occupation withdieting. The affluent extent of the problem is notknown, but estimates very from one in everyhundred school girls with anorexia, to six percentof Australian women with bulimia. Since bulimia isnot a physically obvious condition, the numberscould be cold higher. Social Isolation People whohave anorexia or bulimia have probably beenfeeling isolated and friendless for a long time. Thismay have been one of the factors contributing totheir belief that they are essentially unacceptedpeople. However, the condition itself increasessocial isolation. Sufferers dare not let people bindtoo close to them in case their real self, which they

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